Wednesday 18 August 2010

The play's the thing...

A new group of theatre critics has emerged in recent months, student-based, but outside of Union control and eschewing official affiliation. Their aim is to provide at least two individual reviews of each and every drama production put on by any society within the University of Bristol- and any others they may have seen in local theatres besides. They are anonymous, they are original, and they are here in Bristol.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet The Play Group

Emerging as a new but strong force this June, this group will have to work hard over the coming academic year if they are to attract readers. They have a lot to offer: aside from the fortnightly "issues" available online, printed paper copies should also be made available later in the year. Furthermore, rather than merely attracting readers, the group are also providing a central online forum for all lovers of Bristol theatre, at both a professional and student level- you are invited to "leave a comment" following each review, in which the reviewer, the audience and those involved in production can engage in lively discussion and debate.

It may be young, but The Play Group looks like one to watch, and we may well be witnessing the start of a new  student tradition here in Bristol.

As well as the blog, The Play Group can also be followed or befriended on facebook, which is useful if you wish to receive regular updates about a wide array of theatrical productions across the coming year, all from one source.


1 comment:

  1. “Strategy” has become a buzzword nowadays. Everyone in the companies talks about it and everyone knows that they need it (well, almost everyone). In fact, the digital product strategy is one
