Sunday, 9 October 2011


Thank you to everyone who stopped by the Helicon stall, it was great to meet so many of you and hear your ideas. For all the Freshers who are joining us at the University of Bristol, and any other newcomers who are interested in Helicon, let us tell you a little bit about what we do:

First and foremost, Helicon is dedicated to showcasing creative talent and keeping you up-to-date with local events and exhibitions.

* Helicon Online *
 Helicon's online presence consists of our blog, Twitterand Facebook page, each of which are updated regularly by our editorial team. Bringing you reviews, interviews and features, as well as a stream of ramblings, our blog encompasses everything from Bristol’s local scene to the creative world at large.

* The Magazine *
Alongside publishing content on our blog, we publish a printed magazine each term, the content of which consists solely of our readers' submissions. (That means you!) So to guide you in your creative endeavours, the editorial team choose a theme for each issue. Once decided, we proceed to shout it out at the top of our lungs and encourage you to share your work with us! If you have any ideas for a theme for our next issue, please email us at 

* The Society *
This year we plan to hold more meetings and establish Helicon as a creative society. It will be an opportunity for all members, and anyone interested in the creative arts, to meet on a regular basis and explore Bristol. We will also send regular emails telling you about local art exhibitions, gigs and events. 

* Submitting your work *
 We are an unintimidating bunch who always love to hear from you. Our task is to look for what is successful in a piece and provide feedback even if it doesn’t make it into the magazine. We will also happily provide you with all the guidance and editing advice you want. In fact, every submission receives detailed and helpful feedback from our editors. 

* We want you! *
You can become an official member of Helicon via the UBU website (
Remember, Helicon isn't just for students; everyone and anyone is invited to join our ever-expanding Creative Collective. If  you'd like to get involved or submit your work for the magazine or blog, send an email to with 'submission' as the subject.

With love, 
The Helicon editors 

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